My name is Alex Martinez. My love for web design started long ago in high school. I was taking classes and outside of my standard assignments,
I was also creating fan sites of my favorite rock bands. Back then the web was still finding its identity but growing exponentially.
After high school I focused on various jobs and careers before deciding I wanted to get back into the world of the web. At first I wanted to
just run web sites with the help of designers who shared the same visions as me. After a couple failed attempts of working with web designers,
I decided to take matters into my own hand by learning the code myself.
Of course things had changed exponentially since high school, so I bought some books and got to work. After years of self teaching myself HTML,
CSS & PHP, I began to create interactive web sites and my love was reborn.
Using the skills I've learned through my years of customer service, I started creating web sites in a professional manner. Too many times I've
heard of little or no communication between a web designer and their client. Let me and AM Web Design use our professional & technological
experience to help achieve the web site that you desire, at a cost you can afford.